Livestreaming Sundays: YouTube Link:
Livestreaming Sundays: YouTube Link:
Sunday Celebration Service
Join us every Sunday at 10:30 am from wherever you may be in the world via Facebook and YouTube:
Links are posted on Saturdays.
Revs. Michael & Valerie talk each week about spiritual principals to facilitate spiritual growth and how you can use them to enhance your life and help make this world a place that works for everyone. For those who join us at our location there is discussion on Zoom. Oh yeah, did we mention there's always great music
Spiritual Coaching for Individuals and Couples
If there is something of a spiritual nature (or human) that you wish to work out, work through or get over, Revs. Valerie & Michael offer one on one sessions that can be valuable toward your wellbeing and your spiritual development on your journey.
Spiritual Growth in Science of Mind Classes
Another way you can spiritually grow, deepen your connection to God and enhance your life is through the many classes we offer. Not only will these classes change your life for the better, you will bond and make spiritual friends that will last a lifetime.
Your Wedding - Your Way!
Revs. Michael & Valerie offer a plan for co-creating a wedding ceremony with each couple that is as unique and sacred as the two individuals. No matter what your sexual orientation may be, your ceremony will reflect the beauty of who you are in the world. Center for Spiritual Living North Metro in Thornton, CO
Christening Ceremony
Revs. Valerie's & Michael's Christening Ceremony brings the family and friends together to recognize the indwelling Christ presence of the individual being Christened. This ceremony is offered to all ages. Center for Spiritual Living North Metro
Celebrate the life of your loved one!
Because life is eternal it is extremely important to celebrate a life that leaves this dimension and moves on to there next great expression. Again, Revs. Michael & Valerie co-create the celebration service with the family to make it as unique as the individual who has shuffled off the mortal coil. Center for Spiritual Living North Metro Thornton, CO
I found religious science in 2001 after spending many years looking for a place that taught what I believed. I was on the board of Hilltop and a dear friend suggested Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. I began the classes with the Self Realization Fellowship and eventually found my way to what is now Centers for Spiritual Living in 2001. I took my first class that fall became licensed as a practitioner in 2004, was licensed as a minister in 2011 and ordained in 2014 with Centers for Spiritual Living.
I discovered I had a passion for Youth Ministry in Ministerial School and started the Youth & Family Ministry at the Center for Spiritual Living in Fresno . We rapidly grew from an occasional young person to a Youth Ministry of about fifteen from two to twelve and a Teen Ministry four to six. Those teens got to experience Teen Camp for the first time and to learn what how life changing it is!
I spent many years in banking beginning as a teller and moving up to Vice President learning all about finances, compliance with bank regulations, and managing multiple departments. I also spent time in the non-profit industry, on boards, and as the Executive Director of a children's museum . Center for Spiritual Living North Metro in Thornton, CO
I have been serving in the ministry for almost 20 years, all of my practitioner and all my ministerial training took place at the Agape International Spiritual Center in Culver City, CA at the Holmes Institute where I also served on staff for six years. I was the senior minister for both the Global Heart Spiritual Center in Grand Junction, CO and the Center for Spiritual Living Fresno, CA. I feel honored to have been inducted into the Martin Luther King Jr. League of preachers in 2001. I’m a poet, lyricist and I’m the author of the spiritual, fictional novel, Red Rock Calling. I have written monthly columns in the newsletters for both CSL Spiritual Centers where I served, and I have been a continuous monthly contributor to Inner Visions - A Guide For Daily Inspiration from 1995 to the present. Center for Spiritual Living North Metro, Thornton, CO
. Center for Spiritual Living North Metro, Thornton CO
Listen to the still small voice within, vision. Spirit Guided, co-create, relationship with God
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