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Center for Spiritual Living North Metro
The Center for Spiritual Living North Metro demonstrates and teaches skills and
principles that give people the tools to create and maintain positive relationships, values of prosperity thinking, and radiant health consciousness.
To create an open, accepting, learning environment that recognizes and embraces diversity, peaceful resolution to conflict in personal and community relationships and help make the world a better place.
Spirituality, Love, Vision, Community Service, Education, Integrity, Financial Health,
Caring, Compassion, Safety, Diversity and Inclusivity, Growth, Prosperity
Rev. Valerie and Rev. Michael Torphy
I have known Reverends Michael and Valerie Torphy for many years and I've always been deeply inspired by their devotion to walking and talking a truly spiritual life. I'm so thrilled that they are following Spirit's calling and have opened the North Metro Center For Spiritual Living. We live in a world in which we long for a deeper and
I have known Reverends Michael and Valerie Torphy for many years and I've always been deeply inspired by their devotion to walking and talking a truly spiritual life. I'm so thrilled that they are following Spirit's calling and have opened the North Metro Center For Spiritual Living. We live in a world in which we long for a deeper and richer connection with our friends, our family and the community at large, and I know that Revs Michael and Valerie serve as an inspiring bridge for their community in infusing rich contemplation with practical tools to live a more enriching and connected life.
Rev. Michael and Rev. Valerie Torphy, had a profound impact on my early spiritual development. I began taking classes and really felt like I knew what they were talking about deep inside of myself.
My life was and continues to be transformed in miraculous ways by not only Centers Of Spiritual Living teachings, but also the wisdom and guidance from Rev. Michael and Rev Valerie Torphy. I’m filled with excitement to see the community that they will create and cultivate with CSL North Metro.
WHO WE ARE is who you are, a child of God. WE ARE a spiritual community, located in Thornton, CO, teaching spiritual tools, supports all who walk through our doors, tune into us on Facebook or Youtube, ask for prayer or in whatever means we connect with you. Wherever you are on this planet WE ARE here to acknowledge your divinity and hold you in your highest expression as a human. WE ARE here to recognize and give thanks to you and all sentient beings for blessing this planet with your presence at this time and space. WE ARE a way of life, a way to live and way to be to make this a world that works for everyone. Offering ceremonies and supporting your faith and religion.
WHAT WE DO is provide spiritual means of encouragement through our Sunday Services, Classes, Workshops, Retreats, one-on-one spiritual guidance and plain old having spiritual fun.
WE BELIEVE in God, however it appears to you. WE BELIEVE in a co-creation with a power that is eternal and all inclusive. We believe in the sanctity of the human spirit to express themselves in peaceful life affirming ways. WE BELIEVE in the oneness of all creation. WE BELIEVE in you and all the gifts you have to give
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